• Welcome Help us protect
    the Argan forest

  • Make a donation that transform
    lives now

  • Planting Trees Planting Trees

    About two million people in Morocco live in the Argan Forest area, many of them dependent on the forest for their livelihood. We help locals make revenue through sustainable management of the unique ecosystem that the Argan Forest is. All this while contributing globally to protecting nature and life on earth.

  • Empowering Weomen Empowering Women

    We work with women’s cooperatives providing employees with relevant training to scale their income long term. We help cooperatives to take the next step they need to take in order to grow the cooperative in a sustainable way. Women Empowerment in practice!

  • Creating Sustainable Communities Creating Sustainable Communities

    We raise awareness of the fragile state of the endemic Argan Forest and how the locals can take care of the natural resources and at the same time generate an income while doing it. We contribute to a future where boys and girls have equal opportunities, on a planet that is taken care of for future generations.

Why protecting the Argan forest is so important

The Argan tree is an 80-million-year-old relic tree species exclusively endemic in southwestern Morocco.
The Argan forest constitutes a specific biotope that has been declared as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1998.
The Argan tree grows very slowly, but it is extremely resistant. It can live for 150 years or more, and because of its deep root system, it can survive long periods of drought. Therefore, the Argan tree is often considered as an ultimate warrior when the desert is encroaching.

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Women’s Argan Oil Cooperatives in Morocco

Working with cooperatives producing argan oil is one of the few opportunities for paid work for women in rural Morocco.
This thesis describes the importance of this work for women at three different cooperatives in Morocco and give recommendations to measures on how to ensure that women’s authority, economic independence and living conditions should be further improved.
Read the whole dissertation here (in English): Tree of Empowerment – Benedicte Westre Skog.


Let’s make a difference together!

Argan Care works with an organization in Morocco to help carry out all the practical parts of the project. The organization, Ibn Al Baytar, has a long history of great success in Morocco. The founder, Dr. Zoubida Charrouf, is known as “the Godmother of Argan”, being the one that first discovered the scientific properties of the Argan tree and the creator of the first ever established women’s cooperative in Morocco.

Why protecting the Argan forest is so important

The Argan tree is an 80-million-year-old relic tree species exclusively endemic in southwestern Morocco. The Argan forest constitutes a specific biotope that has been declared as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1998. The Argan tree grows very slowly, but it is extremely resistant. It can live for 150 years or more, and because of its deep root system, it can survive long periods of drought. Therefore, the Argan tree is often considered as an ultimate warrior when the desert is encroaching.

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Our recent news

The garden is coming together!

It’s been a good start to the year! Despite everything going on in the world at the moment, we are super thrilled and very grateful for being able to keep the wheels turning. We kicked off our new project in Morocco this month (February 2021) finishing the planning of the garden and getting to work […]

The Argan tree can live up to 250 years

Of women

Are illiterate in Morocco

Of men

Are illiterate in Morocco

Argan oil

To make one litre of Argan oil you need about 35 kilograms of dried argan fruit

